Hi Scooter girl;I missed this thread!
I've been growing herbs for a long time now-my greatest friend is a herbalist who's always sharing info with me..I've been drinking Ladys mantle(Alchemilla mollis/vulgaris)tea for the last few months as I was in a lot of pain most of the time (menstrual/mid month that seems to give no respite,nausea,passing out etc)I have noticed a lot of imorovement lately.One German herbalist was quoted as saying if most women drank it- all the time the need for hysterectomies and hormone treatment would be cut by a third...!
I also like finding other plants to eat for a change from the herbs.
Fushia berries( jelly)
Marigolds,rose petals,nasturtiums,carnations, marsh mallow flowers,chive heads,scented geraniums and myrtle(take off green bit first)
The salads look really beautiful!
As for drying;keep the herbs out of the sun;warmth,darkness and dryness are needed;if you're drying small quantities just lie them on some muslin or brown paper (jab some holes in it)lie this over a 'frame'-rack from the oven will do...store them whole-don't crush;in dark glass;if you see any condensation you'll know they needed a little more drying.
Good luck(edited for a sp.mistake!)
Edited by - termite 35 on 23 June 2002 18:25:45